Report: Industry Calorie-Cutting Initiative Posted Progress in 2017.
Unclear Whether Progress is ‘Lasting Trend,’ Independent Evaluator Concludes.
November 30, 2018
An industry initiative to reduce beverage calories consumed in select low-income communities showed improvement in 2017, according to a new report on behalf of the American Beverage Association and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The organizations have collaborated since 2014 to cut calories consumed per person by -20% by 2025 in what are now five target communities. The reduction in all five communities last year was faster than the average pace needed to achieve the 2025 goal, according to the report prepared by independent evaluator Keybridge. Declines ranged from -2.2% to -5.4% and were driven by a shift to no- and low-calorie beverages from full-calorie beverages. Volume did not decline, the ABA pointed out. It is too early to determine whether the per-person