KDP Seeks Double-Digit Energy Share With Ghost and More
March 11, 2025
This year is shaping up to be pivotal for the US energy category. An already dynamic 2025 has been marked by Celsius Energy’s pending acquisition of fast-growing Alani Nu. This comes as Keurig Dr Pepper begins to integrate Ghost Energy and Alani Nu competitor Bloom Energy into its distribution network as part of an aggressive push into...
Introduction Comes as Segment Leaders Poppi and Olipop Spark Modern Soda Wars
February 18, 2025
Coca-Cola is forging into the fast-growing gut soda segment using its Simply juice brand, opting to go head-to-head with market leaders Poppi and Olipop instead of acquiring one of them. The prebiotic functional soda offering, called Simply Pop, will begin reaching...
Back in mid-2023, I wrote about a group called Save Tab Soda. They were cajoling Coca-Cola to revive the saccharin-sweetened diet cola that was discontinued in 2020 after almost 60 years on the market. Save Tab Soda went so far as to buy billboard space near Coke’s Atlanta headquarters to beg, “Please bring it back.” I referred to the Save Tab effort as quixotic. I still think it is.
That said, the tenacity and dedication of this band of hardcore fans and its followers is impressive. Just this past December, the group sent me a spiral bound 2025 Dreaming of Tab Calendar, with images of Tab in various holiday settings. They also shared “market research” and a survey of 206 people that they used to predict an initial market opportunity of almost $43 million should Tab return...
As promised, Suja Life has relaunched former PepsiCo brand Slice as a functional “healthy” soda with prebiotics and probiotics. Suja enters a gut soda market lead by brands such as Olipop and Poppi and replete with incoming competition. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo also are expected to enter the segment this year. Launched by PepsiCo in 1984 as a fruit flavored soda with 10% juice, Slice was...
This weekend, former Coca-Cola and BodyArmor marketer Michael Fedele can’t lose, even if his business partner, Patrick Mahomes, does. Mahomes, who partnered with Fedele to launch Throne Sport Coffee eight...